Marinated Courgette with Mint and Ricotta 油醋櫛瓜佐薄荷和瑞可塔起司

A refreshing summer dinner. Or a “oh I miss summer“ meal on a sunny autumn day. This recipe is an adaption of Marinated Zucchini with Hazelnuts and Ricotta by Molly Baz on bon appétit. I serve the dish with freshly baked homemade rosemary foccacia.

There seems to be a trend of “marinated“ courgette (cook first then sit in sauce) at the moment and I have been seeing recipes everywhere. I am always up for trying new ways of cooking my beloved courgette and this is a recipe I have already made a lot of times since my first try.

And here is the recipe…


serves 2

  • 1 big courgette, or 2 medium ones

  • 1 tbsp pine nuts

  • 1/4 cup ricotta

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 1/2 lemon (only need zest)

  • 1 sprig of mint

  • black pepper

  • salt

for the marinating sauce

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar

  • 1 tsp garlic granule

  • 1/2 tsp crushed chilli flakes

  • 1/2 tsp sugar


  1. Cut courgette into 1.5” (4 cm) long sections, then halve lengthwise twice. Sprinkle the cut side with salt and leave to sit for 10 mins.

  2. Heat up a small cast iron pan on high heat to toast pine nuts. Toast until golden brown.

  3. Wipe off the excess water on courgette with kitchen roll. Heat up a non-stick pan on medium low heat with enough olive oil to cover the pan.

  4. Make the marinating sauce: combine all ingredients for the sauce. Set aside in a large shallow dish (big enough to lay all the courgette pieces without overlapping.)

  5. Put courgette cut side down onto the non-stick pan when the oil is hot enough - courgette should sizzle slightly when put in the pan. Be careful not to overlay the courgette. Cook until all sides are brown slightly, flipping occasionally with a pair of chopsticks, but do not over handle. Cook until all sides are nicely brown, about 10 mins in total.

  6. Place the courgette cut side down in the marinating sauce. Let sit at room temperature for 15 mins.

  7. Zest the halved lemon. Mix ricotta with 1 tbsp olive oil and lemon zest.

  8. Spread ricotta on the plate, top with marinated courgette and the sauce, then scatter the toasted pine nuts and mint leaves. Season with black pepper and salt.






  • 1 根 大根櫛瓜,或2根中型的

  • 1 大匙 松子

  • 1/4 杯 瑞可塔起司

  • 1 大匙 橄欖油

  • 1/2 顆 檸檬(只用檸檬皮屑)

  • 1 枝 薄荷

  • 黑胡椒


  • 2 大匙 橄欖油

  • 2 大匙 白酒醋

  • 1 茶匙 大蒜粉

  • 1/2 茶匙 辣椒碎

  • 1/2 茶匙 糖


  1. 櫛瓜切成4公分(1.5英吋)長段狀,再直向剖半兩次。切面灑鹽,靜置10分鐘。

  2. 大火熱一個小的鑄鐵平底鍋,烘烤松子,烤到每面都上金黃焦色。

  3. 用廚房紙巾擦拭掉櫛瓜切面出的水。平底不沾鍋中小火加熱,淋上適量橄欖油。

  4. 調配醃漬醬汁:將所有醃漬醬汁材料混合在一起,放在一個大的淺盤中(盤子要大到能讓所有櫛瓜段平躺而不重疊)。

  5. 油夠熱後將櫛瓜切面朝下放入鍋中,油夠熱的話放入櫛瓜時會有滋滋作響的聲音。櫛瓜不要疊放,用筷子偶爾翻面,不要翻攪太頻繁。櫛瓜煎到每面都金黃即可,總共大約10分鐘。

  6. 將櫛瓜切面朝下放入醃漬醬汁中,室溫靜置15分鐘。

  7. 削檸檬皮屑。混合瑞可塔起司、一大匙橄欖油和檸檬皮屑。

  8. 將瑞可塔起司在一個大盤盤底上抹開,擺上櫛瓜,淋上醃漬醬汁,然後撒上烤過的松子和新鮮薄荷葉。以適量黑胡椒和鹽調味。


Apple Pie Tart 千層蘋果塔