Coffee Ice Cream 咖啡冰淇淋
Coffee ice cream with crumbled biscoff. And canelé, because why not.
The colour of this coffee ice cream is quite light, probably because there's not added colouring. The ice cream recipe is the same as always, just with different flavouring. I've made this coffee ice cream a few times - sometimes with instant coffee granule, sometimes with coffee essence - just use whatever you have.
The ice cream machine I currently use is Cuisinart Gelato and Ice Cream Maker 1.5L ICE100BCU. As the name suggests, the maximum capacity of this ice cream machine is 1.5L, but in order to create the best texture I always use only 1/3 of the maximum capacity.
I would like to write more things about this coffee ice cream but I hate reading long post before a recipe myself...
And here is the recipe…
250 g milk (or milk alternative)
250 g double cream
85 g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
2 egg yolks
3 heap tsp instant coffee granule (this is quite strong; I used decaf.)
Heat up milk, cream, half of the sugar, vanilla bean paste and instant coffee granule in a pot on small heat, stir until all sugar dissolves.
Whisk 2 egg yolks with the remaining half of the sugar until it's thick and pale.
Pour the egg yolk mixture into the pot, stir well to combine.
Cook the mixture on small heat to 83-85°C, stir constantly to avoid scrambled egg at the bottom.
Remove the pot from heat instantly after it reaches the temperature. Pour mixture through a sieve.
Cool down the mixture to 10-13 °C in an ice bath. Alternately you can cover the mixture and put in the fridge/freezer, just remember to check and stir periodically in case a skin forms or the cover steams up.
Pour the mixture into the ice cream machine with the timer set around 45 mins. Freeze the mixture after it's done for at least 3-4 hours.
I've also made canelé a few times now. The mold I use is de buyer's silicone canelé mold. I don't really have the budget/time/patience for copper molds. Apparently they add copper powder into the silicone mold for better heat conduction, and I believe that's the sole reason my canelé always looks quite nice.
There are all sorts of canelé recipe on the internet, with very different temperature settings. I'll need to experiment on the canelé recipe a bit more before I can really share mine. But really I kind of believe the key is the right mold...
我用的冰淇淋機是Cuisinart Gelato and Ice Cream Maker 1.5L ICE100BCU,雖然最大容量是1.5公升,不過為了口感我都做最大容量的三分之一。
250 公克 牛奶(或其他植物奶)
250 公克 鮮奶油
85 公克 細砂糖
1 茶匙 香草漿(台灣比較常見的香草精也可以,但香草漿的風味比較好)
2 顆 蛋黃
3 茶匙(滿) 即溶咖啡粉(這個配方口味蠻重的;我用的是低咖啡因的即溶)
照片中的可麗露我也做過幾次了,用的是法國牌子de buyer的矽膠可麗露模。當初也有考慮買銅模,不過礙於荷包與耐心的考量,最後選了這款有含銅粉的矽膠模,脫模方便又不需要保養,裡面含的銅粉能讓加熱和持溫更均勻。基本上我覺得我的可麗露長得還不錯應該都是因為這個模啦。